The Max Miller Collection
It's all clever stuff, no rubbish!
The Max Miller Appreciation Society has over 600 items in its archive; 80 photographs, 15 posters, 50 song sheets , 200 theatre programmes and various other items. Some of the major items are listed hereunder.

A Max Miller original dressing gown
Max Miller's dressing gown, ca. 1955 made by Mrs. Max Miller and given to Roy Hudd OBE who donated it to the MMAS

A Max Miller original suit
Max Miller's stage costume, ca. 1940s
The Society bought the suit from Maisie Scott-Evans who acquired the suit from mutual friends of Max, Hamish & Jack Cochrane between 1945 and 50.

Bill Pertwee co-respondent shoes
Bill Pertwee wore these shoes on stage in the play Dad's Army in which he impersonated Max Miller.

Bill Pertwee stage suit
Bill Pertwee wore this costume on stage in the play Dad's Army in which he impersonated Max Miller. Dad's Army originally produced on stage in 1975/76. Later it was revived in 2004/05 and again in 2007.

Bill Pertwee tie
Bill Pertwee's Max Miller tie in same material as the costume

Bill Pertwee trilby
Trilby worn by Frank Skinner in the documentary "What a Performance - Part 3" screened on BBC 4 on 17th. December, 2015. The Max Miller trilby worn by Bill Pertwee was loaned to the production company who lost it. They replaced it by an new trilby which was worn by Frank Skinner.

Bill Pertwee's socks
Bill Pertwee's Max Miller red socks

Child's Max Miller suit

Original film poster
Film poster 'Things Are Looking Up' released April 22nd. 1935, size 42 x 27cm (17" x 10 1/2")

Original film poster
Film poster "Don't Get Me Wrong"
From the Rex Theatre in Daylesford, Victoria, Australia which was a boom town for tourists in the 1030s,
Size 40 x 100 cm (15" x 40")

Original handbill
Finsbury Park Empire handbill
Week of October 9th, 1939,
size 14 x 22 cm (6" x 9")

Original theatre card
Palace Theatre, Leicester,
Monday, December 9th. 1946,
Size 14 x 22 cm(6" x 9")

Original theatre poster
Shakespeare Theatre, Fraser Street, Liverpool
Gigantic Modern Variety Bill!!
Monday, 2nd. November 1931
Size 63 x 33 cm (25" x 13")

Original theatre poster
Palace, Leicester Monday, February 7th. 1947,
Size 16 x 25 cm (6" x 9")

Original theatre poster
Westbrook Pavilion Margate
Variety Twice Nightly
Monday, August 12th. 1935
Size 24 x 63 cm (9 1/2" x 25")

Original pastel painting on canvas of Max on stage at the Hackney Empire, signed by Keith Henderson OBE RP RSW RWS ROI (1883-1982) (in frame size 30 x 43cm)

Photograph, portrait
Large framed monochrome portrait of Max originally displayed in the foyer of the Brighton Hippodrome.
Size 80 x 100cm.

Special item
Stainless steel hip flask part covered in leather with monogram MM and inscribed on the base with "Dewars" Only Gordon
Merry Xmas "Max"

Special item
Brown leather briefcase (letter of providence supplied)

Special item
Riding crop: horn handle connected to wooden stick by hallmarked silver ferrule.
On other end leather loop.
Overall length 43 cm (17") seen in photo of Max riding a mule backwards.

Special item
Japanese parasol; bamboo and varnished paper printed with birds and orange blossom branches

Special item
Solid bronze statuette (height 40cm.) of Max design based on the Max Miller statue.
Sculptur: Peter Webster BA (Hons).
Limited edition 1 of 6. (2008)

Special item
Ceramic figurine of Max
Kevin Francis, established 1987. Max Miller Guild Piece 1998-1999.
Modelled by Andy Moss Hand made and hand painted in Staffordshire, England.
Produced by Peggy Davies Ceramics,
25cm high.

Special item
Advertising Philips records, 1953 (condition very poor).
Size 50 x 75cm hinged to open out to 100 x 75cm.

Special item
Metal sign displayed outside the Cheeky Chappie pub in 89 Vassall Road, Kennington, SW9 6NA
Pub was trading between 1980-2000.
The pub was demolished and a medical centre constructed.

Special item
Bust of Max was featured in the Max episode of the TV series Heroes of Comedy made by Thames Television. First broadcast on Channel 4 in October 27th. 1995.
The episode is available on YouTube.
Approx. 70cm tall.

Theatre signboard
1941, London Palladium hand-painted theatre advertising sign for George Black's Laughter Blitz Apple Sauce
Produced by Charles Henry starring Max Miller and Vera Lynn, with original inserted photograph, overall size 99 x 76cm.
Bought at auction by MMAS in 2022 for £339.60.